Monday, February 13, 2012

Friends :-)

I Have lots and lots of Awesome Friends! Here are a few.
If your picture is not on here, it is not because you are not my friend, but only cause your are too stobbern to have your picture taken! :-)   

Me and Shelly, I have got the chance to get to know shelly this last year! and she is really cool! 

Jenny!  She is so sweet! Every time I walk into church she gives me the biggest bear hugs! and every one of those hugs has made a differance in my life.
 JJ.  The Funny Friend.

And Then Daniel, my BEST Friend!
Always behind me, always leading, always seeking God, and always on my side! I could not ask for a better guy!


  1. Hay there is me too!!!! :D

  2. hey trina! this is maeve! becca just told me you have a blog. it is so cute :) ♥ miss you :(

  3. Hey....I'M NOT THERE!! :-)

    Hahaha...yeah, I know. We don't have any pictures of us together.


All Comments welcome.