Tuesday, February 21, 2012

A Sunny Day

So Today was a beautiful Day!

 So I went To Laura W's house to go on a walk in this beautiful weather.
we had fun
 AND.. I Hung out with one of my five AWESOMe sisters ever!
Thanks Leah for hanging with me, and letting me watch you clean;-) lol

Saturday, February 18, 2012


Yesterday I was reading from my older bible, as I was fliping throught the 'notes' pages so many things cought my eye. Like the story of my life was displayed in those pages. So many things I had copyed from preachers, books, and even many prayers of my own. 4 whole pages filled with rich things. They touched me so much last night and this morning, I want to share two of them with you.

'There comes a point that we can do nothing but lean on you. God, I want to be always at that point.' (7-16-2010)

'Lord give us enough of you that we will not starve, but not enough so we will always be hungry' (7-12-2007)

Reading these in my own hand-writing, in my own bible. Gave me some prespective this morning. And a renewed longing. That is, to be completely full of Jesus Christ.

Monday, February 13, 2012

Friends :-)

I Have lots and lots of Awesome Friends! Here are a few.
If your picture is not on here, it is not because you are not my friend, but only cause your are too stobbern to have your picture taken! :-)   

Me and Shelly, I have got the chance to get to know shelly this last year! and she is really cool! 

Jenny!  She is so sweet! Every time I walk into church she gives me the biggest bear hugs! and every one of those hugs has made a differance in my life.
 JJ.  The Funny Friend.

And Then Daniel, my BEST Friend!
Always behind me, always leading, always seeking God, and always on my side! I could not ask for a better guy!

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Davids Birthday

                        A week ago it was my Brother in laws Birthday. David turned 15.

yes his face was put into a cake.
Happy Birthday David!


 It Snowed Today

 I guess our beautiful spring was trambled and sumooshed by over 6in of snow.

So Cold!


Today I woke to piles of snow on main street where I live. No pictures yet. But as soon as I get out to take some I will post again! Ttyl