Friday, February 7, 2014

My addictions.

Im certainly addicted to a few things.  And I want to share my sweet addictions.  Firstly,  I am so addicted to coffee its not even funny.  And though I can physically go with out for a few days, I just see a starbucks add and I must go turn on my coffee maker!!!!

Equally to coffee, I'm addicted to my Bible.  Somthing is definitely wrong if I go to sleep with out reading it, or listening to it audio.   Somthing about that amazing book has me for ever captivated. 

Cleaning.  I clean like a house maid in my own house. Before bed everything must be just so. Or I just cant sleep.

And snuggles!!! I love snuggling with my little tater tot. I dont ever want him to grow up. If only he could stay one year old and snuggle with me forever.  :)  However, that would be a selfish fairy tale, and I'm sure as he grows that addiction will change.

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