Thursday, May 3, 2012

Catching Up....

I have a colection of pictures from the last week and a half of life. Here they are and enjoy!
 Here is the 3 months prego picture. :-) lil bump. and much less throwing up!!
 My Grandpa Ron gave us these awesome pots as a wedding gift. there was a set of like 10 and they are just amazing to cook with.

 They make good hats they are fun to pose with when one must get there picture taken!
 Timo and Becca have been my life savers like two weeks in a row. When i felt like crap, they came and helped me do my Saturday cleaning...
 Yep, they are awesome!

 My Dear sister Leah, and my dear friend Laura both graduated highschool with NCHEA this last weekend. Here is the class of 2012! Really proud of you both.
That is all the catching up on pictures I have for the moment!  :-)  ttyl


All Comments welcome.